STS/Chore Service Program

Sentence to Serve (STS)

The STS program provides work crew services to government and non-profit agencies to assist in completing projects that the agencies many not otherwise be able to complete.

The STS program allows inmates, through an order of the court, to participate in the program to reduce their jail time, work off community service hours and/or fines.

STS participants work together as a team under the supervision of a STS Crew Leader who is a Corrections staff member.

You may contact our agency to obtain more information on the program by calling the STS office at (218) 470-8141.

The STS program is operated by Tri-County Community Corrections with partial funding by the Minnesota Department of Corrections.

Chore Service Program

This project is made possible in part, under the Federal Older American’s Act through a contract with the NWRDC under an Area Plan approved by the Minnesota Board on Aging. It provides outside chore services to those who are 60 + years of age.  The program is intended to allow these individuals to continue living in their home as opposed to being moved to an assisted living environment.

The Area Agency on Aging acts as the non-profit agency requesting the services. 

Common services provided by the Chore Service Crew include: 

-  Changing storm windows/screens
-  Minor outside repairs
-  Raking leaves
-  Tree/brush trimming
-  Minor outdoor painting
-  General outdoor clean-up
-  Snow removal

If you are 60 years of age or older, or know somebody who would benefit from these services, please contact the Senior Linkage Line at 1-800-333-2433 and request a referral.