Prison Rape Elimination Act

The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) was signed into law by President George W. Bush in 2003. The Prison Rape Elimination Act prohibits and seeks to eliminate sexual assaults and sexual misconduct in correctional institutions and community corrections settings.

The Red River Valley Juvenile Center (RRVJC) has a ZERO TOLERANCE policy toward resident sexual harassment or sexual battery/abuse.  Sexual activity of any kind is not allowed in the RRVJC.

While housed at the RRVJC, no resident, staff member, contractor or volunteer has the right to pressure you to engage in any sexual act.

Any sexual activity, including consensual sex, between residents or staff and a resident is prohibited and will be investigated. Residents who have consensual sexual contact with another resident are subject to disciplinary action.  Residents who have non-consensual sexual contact with another resident will be disciplined and will be referred to the Crookston Police Department for criminal prosecution.

Employees, contract staff, volunteers and/or vendors who are found to have engaged in sexual contact or sexual misconduct with residents will be disciplined and subjected to a full range of criminal and administrative sanctions.

Residents may report abuse or harassment through the grievance system, in person to a staff member (teacher, youth counselor, caseworker), or through any other resident communication system.

If you have knowledge of a resident who has been sexually abused while in custody, you can make a report to the RRVJC Program Director, Deputy Director, Executive Director, outside Law Enforcement Agency, or Victim’s Advocacy groups.

Program Director                                              (218) 470-8321

Deputy Director                                                (218) 470-8142

Executive Director                                            (218) 470-8148 

Crookston Police Department                           (218) 281-3111 

Community Health Services, Inc.                     (800) 342-7756

Sexual Assault Intervention Project                  (800) 342-7756